Ashley Ballard - It Was You Lyrics
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Ashley Ballard Singer Lyrics
It Was You Song Lyrics
Ashley Ballard
Song Title:
It Was You
Print Version
When i think
Of what i've been through
I can see
That you've always been there for me
To tell the truth
Don't know what i'd do
Without you
Half of my dreams would not come true
You are the one
That i have hoped for
Now my life
Means so much more
Now we can be
Together forever
Forever just you and me
Be here for you
You here for me
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
Since the day
You came in my life
I knew then
That you'd be someone by my side
Then you proved
You're a friend to me
Within my heart
Wherever, you will always be
You are the one
That i have hoped for
All my life
Means so much more
Now we can be
Together forever
Just you and me
There for each other
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
It was you
Who was always right by my side
When i just can't do it
You helped me through it
We're friends forever
Like best friends should be
You'll always be (darkchild, ashley ballard)
A special part of me (so plush)
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
It was you
Showed me i've got a friend
I always knew
That you'd be right there
It was you
Stuck with me when the skies were blue
And it was you
I know that i can count on you
It was you
Who showed me i got a friend in you
I always knew
That you'd be right here for me
And it was you
Who stuck with me
When the skies were blue
And it was you
Who stood by my side
It was you
You are a friend to me,
It was you
It Was You Lyrics
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Other Ashley Ballard song Lyrics
5 X 5
"All systems operational
I'm so alive
Everything is 5 x 5
Got me feeling like there's no gravity..."
"All systems operational
I'm so alive
Everything is 5 x 5
Got me feeling like there's no gravity..."
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The way you make me feel,
It's like a dream to me.
Almost a fantasy..."
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We just wanna be
Free to be who we need to be
You can never change..."
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In every single
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"If i told you that i
Wanna play with you
Do you think i told
The truth about all the..."
"I've been
Baby down the road
You've been
Up the street..."
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