Ashley Gearing - Can you hear me when I talk to you? Lyrics

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Artist: Ashley Gearing
Song Title: Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Visits: 731
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Time passes by so quickly,
But I guess I thought you'd be here forever,
I never even had the chance to say goodbye,
Theres so many things to tell you, Left unsaid until now,

Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Do the words I say ever make it through?Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Cause' I'd give anything if I just knew..

Everynight I have the same dream,
The one where you get to hold me,
We laugh and talk until the morning, and then you vanish...yea..
It always leaves me feeling helpless, When i wake up and your not there,

Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Do you know how much I'd love to be with you?
Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Cause' I'd give anytihng if I just knew.

Living in this world without you,
I constantly search through my memories,
Hoping that I'll find some treasures that I passed over...yea
All that I took for granted,
Means so much now and I won't let it go.

Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Cause I never said somethings that I meant to
Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Cause I'd give anything if I just knew..

Ya know I never said something that I meant to,
Can you hear me when I talk to you?
Cause I'd give anythign if I just knew...

I miss you daddy.

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