ASIA - Awake Lyrics

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Artist: ASIA
ASIA Author
Album: Aura (2001)
ASIA - Aura Album
Song Title: Awake
Genre: Rock
Visits: 822
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(adapted from 'the rubaiyat' of omar khayyam)

"the dawning of a brand new day
The waking of the whispers say:
That sleeping heavens will return
In deepest night the secret learned
And from these walls this city lies
The past will be our future
The journey will be over,
I saw the writing on the wall
The story of our birth then fall
Within their tombs of holy stone
The scrolls of life, one man alone
So if we try, we can live and learn
The sands will pull you under
Don't let them pull you under

I travelled to a foreign land
Through stormy seas and burning sand
Led by the stars the ancient stream

The call of treasures yet unseen
So if we climb to the rocks of kings
Together we'll discover
The source of all our wonder

Someday we're going to go back to the stars
And find the answer, who we really are
A traveller through the lonely mists of time
Creation from the sky

The dawning of a brand new day
The waking of the whispers say:
That sleeping heavens will return
In deepest night the secret learned
From these walls this city lies
The past will be our future
The journey will be over

Someday we're going to go back to the stars
And find the answer who we really are
A traveller through the lonely mists of time
Creation from the sky

Someday we're going to back to the stars
And find the answer who we really are
If we try, we can live and learn
Together we'll discover
The source of all our wonder

We saw the writing
We read the story

Music & lyrics by: geoff downes & john payne

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Other ASIA song Lyrics
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    A look from you and I would fall from grace
    And it would wipe the smile right from my face..."
  • Only Time Will Tell
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    It's in your eyes
    There's no disguising it
    It really comes as no surprise..."
  • Sole Survivor
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    Twist my foot, I nearly fell
    I was lucky I was alive
    One look back, I could have died..."
  • One Step Closer
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    Crowded rooms, the iron bars that surround me
    Trying hard to catch your eye
    Just once, did you see..."
  • Time Again
    "Fate looks certain byt then nothing's guaranteed
    Want for nothing, but is nothing what you need
    Always pushing though you're never satisfied
    I did believe you 'till I found out that you lied..."
  • Wildest Dreams
    "They decorated all the generals
    Who fought the war behind the lines
    They had forgotten all the soldiers
    The brandy puts them way behind the times..."
  • Without You
    "Gazing at a sunrise reflected in your clear eyes
    Misty morning forest, smoke fires
    Make our way through the broken day
    I couldn't stand to stay withought you..."
  • Cutting It Fine
    "The door swings open but you won't go in
    You hate the movie that you've never seen
    You could have seen what I have in mind
    I see you laughing but you're cutting it,..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Aura" album, click "ASIA Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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