Asphyxia - Health For Sale Lyrics

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Artist: Asphyxia
Song Title: Health For Sale
Visits: 749
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[D. Cardoen - Y. Cluckers]

Total isolation, how will they ever know ?

No other place to live, they can only face the show

Another victim dies as they watch their children grow

As long as life can last

(As) they can feel the wind burning them so fast

They know they will learn how to face reality

Some people fear the night and the mutants they created

Others are taken to where death becomes a toll

Children without arms, without eyes, without legs, but children

One day they're gonna pay

For they left scars that'll never fade away

The legacy of the bomb doesn't last forever

Who, who's to blame ?There is no way

To know the truth, the words to say

I think there will be hell to pay

Somehow the day will come for them to pay

The only thing to do: pray

'Cause they'll put up your health for sale

Incurable sick they'll be

The illness will bring them on their knees

If you knew you're gonna die could you face reality ?

Sufficient to blow the earth

It's no use to mankind, it burns

Irradiation organization has a game to play

Who, who's to blame ?There is no way

To know the truth, the words to say

I think there will be hell to pay

Somehow the day will come for them to pay

The only thing to do: pray

'Cause they'll put up your health for sale

Hell, this place is hell but it's never to be told

Place, this is your place 'cause it's all that you hold

Fear, you smell the fear as you're feeling the pain

Pain, you feel the pain but no way to explain

Total isolation, how will they ever know ?

No other place to live, they can only face the show

Another victim dies as they watch their children grow

Sufficient to blow the earth

It's no use to mankind, it burns

Irradiation organization has a game to play

Who, who's to blame ?There is no way

To know the truth, the words to say

I think there will be hell to pay

Somehow the day will come for them to pay

The only thing to do: pray

'Cause they'll put up your health for sale

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  • Violence First
    "Innocent victim of your fate
    When blind devotion came you didn't choose to betray
    Slow death begins to freeze your soul
    Dying for your opinions, fuck no !..."
  • Where Shadows Are Dark
    "I felt I was being betrayed
    Break the feeling of faith
    For now no changes were brought
    How many battles were fought ?..."

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