Ass Ponys - Swallow You Down Lyrics

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Artist: Ass Ponys
Song Title: Swallow You Down
Visits: 735
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I caught you lying again it's pretty easy if you know how to play
So what you say we make it two out of three
I heard you're dying again well what disease have you contracted today
Just as long as you don't give it to me as you don't give it to me

You're waiting tables again and you're counting on a generous tip
But then the tipper doesn't always come through
You're in the gables again getting ready for a fabulous trip
You'd better watch or it could happen to you

When the devil's minions take you down try to mark a path
Something i can follow
When the devil's minions hit the ground you can point and laugh
Cause i won't let them swallow you down

You're on the trestle again and your toes are hanging over the edge
And your reflection's in the water below
We'll have to wrestle again but there's a wager that i'm willing to hedge
Cause you can bet i won't be letting you go

When the devil's minions take you down try to mark a path
Something i can follow
When the devil's minions hit the ground you can point and laugh
Cause i won't let them swallow you down

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    That he's near half a ton
    But he remembers very well
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    Whatever does the trick
    Odds are even that i'll fall again
    So you better make it stick..."
  • Back Dot
    "Black dot on the horizon
    All i know is it's a pretty long walk
    Keep a-goin pea, keep a-goin
    Don't wait for me, just keep a-goin..."

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