Assemblage 23 - Complacent Lyrics

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Artist: Assemblage 23
Assemblage 23 Author
Album: Storm (2004)
Assemblage 23 - Storm Album
Song Title: Complacent
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 740
Print Version

You're growing complacent
You forgot what it all meant
And chose the path of convenience

The road you took to where you're standing now
Was fraught with obstacles that tore you down
They made you drown

The path of least resistence called your name
A status quo you tried hard to maintain
But it wasn't the same

Sweet denial, take your leave
You must have others to decieve
I'm so tired of drifting backwards standing still
So throw the towel in, if you must
Give up hope and give up trust
And I promise you'll drift backwards standing still

Something changed in you when you gave up
When you decided that you had tried enough
The price was too much

The inconsistencies seemed plain to see
A swift departure from reality
How blind can you be?

Sweet denial, take your leave
You must have others to decieve
I'm so tired of drifting backwards standing still
So throw the towel in, if you must
Give up hope and give up trust
And I promise you'll drift backwards standing still

Sung to sleep by sychophantic choirs
You preferred the company of liars
Who made you feel admired

But one by one they turned their backs on you
The ranks of your detractors grew and grew
When they learned the truth

Sweet denial, take your leave
You must have others to decieve
I'm so tired of drifting backwards standing still
So throw the towel in, if you must
Give up hope and give up trust
And I promise you'll drift backwards standing still

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Other Assemblage 23 song Lyrics
  • Anthem
    "We are born of stone
    And etched by wind
    Cast aside to live or die
    We are the pawns in our own game..."
  • Surface
    I am merely debris
    Scattered along the ground..."
  • Coward
    Why are you frightened?
    So quiet
    I can barely hear your lies..."
  • Bi-Polar
    "I haven't felt so alive in years
    The sun is shining down on me
    My eyes are welling up with tears
    Tears of joy, tears of ecstasy..."
  • Pages
    "I read your mind
    But it wasn't a very interesting read
    The plot was contrived
    And the characters were too consumed by need..."
  • Purgatory
    "So here I stand
    Completely alone
    My skin absorbs the rain
    Helpless to control..."
  • Sun
    "The first day
    I felt changed
    I felt removed and broken
    Over man..."
  • Skyquake
    "The morning broke in eerie silence
    The ground beneath us cracked and dry
    Too self absorbed to even notice
    The cracks that formed up in the sky..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Storm" album, click "Assemblage 23 Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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