Assorted Jellybeans - No Time Lyrics

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Artist: Assorted Jellybeans
Song Title: No Time
Visits: 736
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this is what ya get when you don't use your brain
the shit just gets worse and it makes you go insane
just leave the itch alone and you'll be alright
leave the itch alone and you'll make it through the night
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
na, na, no time to fight so whys it gotta be
the machoness is there and everyone can see
you single someone out and you start a fuckin' fight
well let's just see how much ass you kick tonight
you're losing, you're losing
you can't take anymore
you're losing, you're losing
he has you on the floor
but now you're winning, you're winning
the anger is now there
you had him by the head and you pulled out all his hair
yea break that shit down homie
how long does it feel now that you stole the show
kicked out by yourself and no where to go
now you both are feeling tough so you go at it some more
you punch him in the face. 4 and 4 is now the score

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Other Assorted Jellybeans song Lyrics
  • 8th Grade Nerd
    "you're just a little kid.
    still sorry about what you did.
    we knew you back when you got funny stares and you think
    you're cool cause you got pubic hairs...."
  • Another Way
    "i tried to be like you
    something that i couldn't do
    acted like life was a game
    deep down inside you know you're lame..."
  • Assorted Jelly Beans
    "had an idea years ago
    asked my friends and they said yo!
    so-called friends come and go
    ask us to conform and we'll say no!..."
  • Assorted Jellybeans
    "had an idea years ago
    asked my friends and they said yo!
    so-called friends come and go
    ask us to conform and we'll say no!..."
  • Braindead
    so you think that you've had enough of this world
    can't find yourself, you can't even find a girl
    someone who will look nice standing next to you..."
  • Dont Ask Me
    "i don't know
    don't know what to do
    so many ways to go and so many paths to choose
    this indecision, it clouds my vision..."
  • Doobage
    "hanging around and waiting for another fix
    scrounging for some change so you can get your fix
    don't want to think about it
    i just want to be around it..."
  • In Our Eyes
    "now it's time and i don't know if i like it, maybe so
    my eyes play tricks on me
    happiness is in my mind
    boy i'm feeling oh so fine..."

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