Asylum Soul - Nice Guys Dont Get Paid Lyrics

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Artist: Asylum Soul
Asylum Soul Author
Song Title: Nice Guys Dont Get Paid
Visits: 701
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Well they packed up their violin cases
Hopped in a big black Studebaker, they were acting pretty scary
No one talked as they synchronized their watches
And they drove past a train station
The train rolled out with a passenger car
Filled with retired millionaires and movie stars
And the gangsters, cowboys, gypsies, and freewheelers
Sold out their trades to become drug dealers
There ain't no money in doing things straight
Your community thanks you, business is good, and nice guys don't get paid
Outside the train window fast as he could ride
Was a kid on a horse with a head full of lies
And the tears of excitement couldn't put out the fire in his eyes
For the house he was riding to burglarize
All through the house they were dancing and singing
An extended family with fiddlers and magicians
A juggler and a chemist who'd invent potion to pacify all the killers and rapist
The chemist died in the burglary and they sold the prescription
For a case of cheap red wine to a traveling salesman
In a three-wheeled jalopy; he bought and sold potions
To the city that looked over the ocean
And he sold the last drop, it was big with the rich kids
And soon the city would be crawling with addicts
And back rooms, dark allies, basements and attics
When a fly is trapped in a spider's web (but a bat's got the spider?)
And no one knows what's going on
But you've gotta show up for yourself at the end of the day
And nice guys don't get paid
Nice guys don't get paid
Now all the hopeless romantics are wearing white collars
Upstanding assassins cleaning filthy dollars
Car-jacking fanatics who kill for religion
In a city full of addicts and color television

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    In the fifth demension
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    Cause I just can't live like this..."
  • Get On Out
    "I gotta get on, I gotta get on out
    All these worried troubled thoughts gotta get on out of my head
    Gotta get on out of my head
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  • New World
    "lives in a little lonely town
    no one's around except for the drinking
    nobody even gets around
    but those who leave the township sinking..."
  • April Fool
    "I'm quitting after one more last one
    Tired of playin the clown
    If I want your opinion I'll ask you
    I can get myself down..."

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