Ataris - Carnage Lyrics

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Artist: Ataris
Song Title: Carnage
Visits: 723
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You came clearer than ever before
You did what no one else can
Just never follow up when I'm away
Because I'd hurt you. You'd hurt me too.

You are a dream. This is the longest time I've been with someone
There's no explaining, and no escaping
You are for real and nothing will ever come between us
No need to look to deep
I'll just never go to sleep

I felt your body as I remember
Put me to shame when I was through
I put you down inside myself
But you manage to do it. You always do

You are a dream. This is the longest time I've been with someone
There's no explaining, and no escaping
You are for real and nothing will ever come between us
No need to look to deep
I'll just never go to sleep

Did you know you missed the point of dreaming
When you said you needed more and more
and ended up with less

This time I have you with me
I pulled you out when I got up
I beat your pretty face
and I will make this one real

You are a dream. This is the longest time I've been with someone
There's no explaining, and no escaping
You are for real and nothing will ever come between us
No need to look to deep
I'll just never go to sleep

Everything wet; pillows with tears
Sheets with sweat.
I'm tired
Do it when I'm here

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