Atc - My Heart Beats Like A Drum Dum Dum Dum Lyrics

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Artist: Atc
Song Title: My Heart Beats Like A Drum Dum Dum Dum
Visits: 770
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I close my eyes
Close the door
I won't worry anymore
I've been waiting for you
Everyday and everynight
Cut the light
Let it fade
I don't wanna be afraid
I've been waiting for you

Tonight is right
Stars shine bright
I just really wanna be with you
I celebrate pray for the day
When all my wishes will be coming true

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

I think of you everyday
I've been waiting for a call
Just the sound of your voice
Anytime and anyway
Dream of you since that day
When I saw you the first time
At the hard rock cafe

Tonight it is right
Stars shine bright
I just really wanna be with you
I celebrate pray for the day
When all my wishes will be coming true

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

I close my eyes
Close the door
I won't worry anymore
I've been waiting for you

and my feet steps the beat baby...

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

My heart beats like a drum like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum
And my feet step the beat like a drum
dum dum dum - dum dum dum

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  • Touch The Sky
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    I'm thinking about your smile
    When you were mine
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  • Maybe
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  • Around The World (Alternate Version)
    "The kisses of the sun
    were sweet I didn't blink
    I let in my eyes
    like an exotic dream..."

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