Athenaeum - Away Lyrics

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Artist: Athenaeum
Song Title: Away
Visits: 727
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He's got a really bad sense of time
He only listens when she's about to break down and cry
But she's got a lot to learn about herself
She's always blaming her sorrow on someone else

He's not a really good person from the start
He's always making it a habit of breaking her heart
But she's gonna have to take half the blame
She's always taking his shit
But i swear it's gonna change

Just walk away like you never cared
Don't even look at him if you're still scared
And you don't even have to give him a reason why
But all the things that you never said
They're gonna stay with you until you're dead
So take advantage of the way he made you feel

It's only a matter of time
You're gonna find your peace of mind
And maybe settle down in a one bedroom apartment
And all the evil things he might say
Will come back to him one day
When he least expects it
And then maybe you'll be a million miles away

Miles away

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  • Family Tree
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    I don't speak unless there's something really important to say.
    I'm not weak,..."
  • Flat Tire
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    I didn't even want to chew
    Your lies were the best I ever knew
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  • ...Show All

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