Athenaeum - One Day at a Time Lyrics

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Artist: Athenaeum
Song Title: One Day at a Time
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You don't know what I have been through
Trying to turn these wrongs to right
When I think of all the bad times that we've been through
I know that we were not so kind.

But you're still my ballerina
whatever you choose, so I hope you remember
sometimes to win we must lose one another
so maybe we should take it one day at a time.
take it one day at a time.

You don't know the eyes which have seen you
Visions i would never share.
You must think the road that I have traveled
is broken beyond repair

But you're still my ballerina
Whatever you choose, so i hope you remember
Sometimes to win we must lose one another
So maybe we should take it one day at a time
One day at a time, take it one day at time
One day at a time, take it one day at a time.
Take it one day at a time, yeah, one day at a time.

How many years do we lose?
Changing our minds, never knowing what to choose.
You must believe this is not who we are.
But you're still my ballerina
so maybe we should take it one day at a time

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Other Athenaeum song Lyrics
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    Your skin still brown from yesterday
    But i pretended not to notice
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  • Anyone
    "It's very very necessary
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    No hurry don't get yourself worried
    I know you're not that dumb..."
  • Away
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  • Banana
    "I'm alright, I'm okay
    It's so bright
    We can't stay
    I'm too big..."
  • Comfort
    "In the daydream I once had
    You were standing oh so sad
    But the way you smiled at me
    Made me laugh so awkwardly..."
  • Damage
    "Darling i'm sorry i never let anyone talk to you
    And please don't be angry if you don't grow up like you wanted to
    This is the damage that two can do
    24 hours a day keep turning but i'm not sorry..."
  • Different Situation
    "He'll take you home
    And then write a song about it
    He's so alone
    You'd never think to doubt it..."
  • Family Tree
    "I don't talk too much to my family
    I feel bad, they don't understand me.
    I don't speak unless there's something really important to say.
    I'm not weak,..."

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