Atmosphere - A Heave and a Ho Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: A Heave and a Ho
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and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave for them hos

as we approach another eve
momentum starts to slow
finally took the lead
now its just me and this road
and my car and my keys
and my thoughts and my woes
although im low on currency
got enough to pay the tolls
never stop to sleep
afraid of getting towed
adjust the mirror and the seat
turn up the am radio
in the egg of the beast, its the reigns i follow
and paint my journey into center of this yolk
embrace the grief, we both need to go
as i chase the geese, all across the grassy knoll
and i gave up the beef it was distracting my flow
and traded my release for a six pack of ?????
raise the seeds and teach them how to bowl
keep they brains at ease and the blood pressure low
and the stains on my sleeve, directions i go
change like the color of the leaf between the sun and the snow

and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave for them hos

every woman is a queen every man is a joke
some funny, some cheap, some smart enough to cloak
she says she loves speed cause its twice as cheap as coke
and the high when she peaks makes her fly like a crow
biography i read, piece by piece it unfolds
its time to cut her free before she helps me explode
from the birds to the bees to the bodies that are sold
the secrets that you keep the tales that you told
hit him in the knees by time to reload
eliminate the needs now im aiming at the goals
the fears that they leak, and the tears that they hold
will corrupt their inner peace, let the throat of they soul(?)
tell me can you breathe? unclutter the hole
do you believe? discover the glow
necessity you seak and the reason hold
now everywhere we speak is translated into code
tell me, who you callin thief? they stole nothing but the show
its pullin on my leash tryin to force myself control
i smell it in the breeze when the winter winds blow
im gonna catch a couple z's, could you please watch the coals?

and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave and a ho
a heave and a ho
and i heave for them hos

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