Atmosphere - Apple Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Apple
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(Slug talking)
Hi my name is Sean Daley and you might know me from such films as ?I Can?t Sing But Neither Can You?

Haha Yeah
Haha what are you looking at?
Don?t look at me
Don?t talk to me
Oh your rap to
Haha I should have know
I can tell
Nah its in your eyes

Just cause you?re an emcee doesn?t mean that you get to be an asshole (asshole)
Just cause you?re a man doesn?t mean you get to act like a bitch (like a bitch)
Won?t you stand over here do a favor use your head to hold this apple (apple)
And I?m a 20 pace take aim this shot, swear to god I wont miss (I wont miss)
See I?ve been around the world with out moving and I?ve met a lot of people (people)
And they all play the same little games only change is the date (its the date)
It?s all fame and respect a little money won?t you help me build my ego (ego)
Without taking any time to think about how it might affect fate (checkmate)
You see we?ve come a long way just to find that there ain?t no place to lay down (break down)
And we waited all night for the light but the dawn never broke (never broke)
And if we let the song play we can lead all the children to the lake now (take down)
Because it seems as if most would rather chose to sit back and let ?em choke (don?t choke, don?t choke)

Just cause you?re an emcee doesn?t mean that you get to be an asshole (asshole)
Just cause you?re a man doesn?t mean you get to act like a bitch (you bitch)
Wont you stand over here do a favor use your head to hold this apple (apple)
And Im a 20 pace take aim this shot, swear to god I wont miss (I don?t miss)

I ain?t gonna say no names

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  • 1957
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  • A Girl Named Hope
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  • A Heave and a Ho
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    a heave and a ho
    and i heave and a ho
    a heave and a ho..."
  • A Song About A Friend
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