Atmosphere - Body Pillow Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Body Pillow
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then there was this one night when i took the time
to examine a napkin in a chicago hotel room
i wasn't alone it was a night after a show
space was full
energy was consumed
there was a girl emphasis on the "L"
she was noticin the detail as well
and the two of us found something with each other
previously undiscovered
hell is for the lovers
and the daylight is bright always makes me squint
but it feels like magic when it touches my face
suffocate myself
overwhelm myself
and let the sunrays abandon me floatin through space

*and she still wonders why i'm so insecure
she giggles because i sleep with a body pillow
intentions are never nothing short of pure
but theres a price to pay when you try to live a little*

and attractive as that napkin ever could've been
my how it unfolded hold it to the wind
try now to be a rock but she's caught under the skin
ex-lover and a best friend
just like the rest of them
then there was this one night
i stopped to watch someone bite the tip of a cigarette
to hold it inbetween her lips
never met nobody like her please brace yourself
danger danger
this might hurt
the playground feels a lot different when the sun's out
she wasn't messin round she came in with her guns out
screamin bout the ocean
anybody wanna go with me
never knew punk rock could be so pretty
now catch your breath and then catch the ball
and sit by the phone so you can catch the call
write catchy one-liners on the bathroom stall
here i go wouldn't you know
still learnin to crawl


i've always dug the way you love the way
your tattoos intimidate men
i guess i'm one of them
standin right next to you from way over here
ex-lover and a best friend
(ex-lover and a best friend)
then there was this one night i noticed a tree
that stood by itself about an hour up north
and i can picture her holding onto the limb
wearin a summer dress and a grin
swingin back and forth
talkin bout the breeze and how it easy it is
to leave all the worries in the backseat
teach me please i need the abilities to live
silly me i tried to measure it by what i can give
but she didn't need anything
just a pair of ears some strong fingers
and someone to share the tears
read the fear feeling it inadequate
now lets make-believe that i can handle it


and i still get to talk to you every now and then
definition of "over" doesn't have to be the end
it's good to see you grow girl
shake my hand
that's all i want from my ex-lover and my best friend

i got your back
don't ever fucking question that
i got your back
always have
i still got your back

(in background)
*Chorus* 2x

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