Atmosphere - Breathing Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Breathing
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"Take a deep breath relax, don't push it on out."(x2)
Somebody please explain to them what it be about
"Take a deep breath relax, don't push it on out."(x2)
Somebody please explain to them what it be about

They can't sleep yet, too many re-grets
Got em running round in circles for the re-spect
They need the gossip, but where's the logic?
Voices in the box guarantee a better product
So here I sit now, and watch em trip out
Trying to pick a finger to put upon what its about
But if there was a point, you would still avoid
You should've taught the boys and girls how to take apart their toys
I stay up-set,with all the pup-pets
submerged in the drama cuz they love it
That if they can hold the pain, and then they complain

Why would you chase away the sun if you don't want the rain?
I never asked for the world, just a portion
Tryin to make a good soldier out of daddy's little orphan
But management called down, demanded that we turned the sound down
And with that, I suggest we start the count-down
Simplistic spiral and work your way backwards
'Til the bastards collapse and choke on their last words
And I'll be back when its happy hour
So just pour me another and ignore me my brother

Breathe in, breathe out, the sign says "keep out"
Breathe in, breathe out, somebody please explain to them what it be about
Breathe in, breathe out, the sign says "keep out"
Somebody fill up my gut before I freak out

Low profile, no more smiles, til all of y'all quit acting so damn wild
Slow down child, you're gonna lose balance, too
overanxious, the goods will get damaged
Girl, how many stories can you fit into a tanktop?
How many wishes get spent on what you ain't got?

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