Atmosphere - Denvenmolorado Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Denvenmolorado
Visits: 718
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen I want you to give a warm welcome for?
Anybody here ever been to Colorado, more importantly Denver

(Lady sample)
Nothing I say
Nothing I say meant a thing to you

Here I am alone in an airport bar
Why, I guess cause I don?t own a car
It?s Valentines Day I?m returning home from Berkley
Ain?t a damn thing none a ya?ll can do to hurt me
Unsober laid-over in Denver
The waitress could smell it the minute I entered
There's seven shells losin their soul in here
Sporadically placed amongst scotch and beer
But there?s one woman in the back left corner
Who looks like she could really use a supporter
If only I could muster the strength to be a friend
Who knows how this adventure could end
Bend me up, slip me the tongue, shoot me down
Cut me loose, burry me and piss on the ground
I cant help but wonder what?s over yonder
Don?t know if I can get down for too much longer
Everywhere I go I find at least one
And I bet it won?t die till the travel is done
For as long as I roam my heart holds a gun up to the side of my head
Ride or die for the young

(Lady sample)
Nothing I say
Nothing I say meant a thing to you

It?s the sound of emotion enough to make me wanna hang myself
from the rafter that?s over my bed
But when I stop to climb the ladder that?s embedded in my heart
I start to question all the emotion in my head

The sound of emotion enough to make me wanna hang
myself from the rafter that?s over my bed
But when I stop to climb the ladder that?s embedded in my heart
I start to question all the emotion in my head

(Continues as Slug slowly fades out)

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