Atmosphere - For New York Compilation Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: For New York Compilation
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Slug: [Verse 1]

She came back to visit, she says

'Cause in some ways, Minneapolis is more real than L.A.

But I won't go to the triple-rock on a tuesday

Too many people pop out of they pimples and play

And at night, we can watch these people in these bars

They're all insane, they all know my name

Who won the game? no one's in pain

But either way girl, i'm glad you came

And if the elements and irrelevance I strain

Hair's wet, who cares if it's sweat or rain

As long as it doesn't leave a permanent stain

It's all in vain if there's nothing left to gain

And somethin's in the way she looks at her prey

There's no way she'll allow you to live

Swallow the fight, inhale the night

There's not much else left for you to give

Who's leaving (who's leaving) ? there she goes

Who's leaving (who's leaving) ?

Who's breathing (who's breathing)

as opposed to who's bleeding (who's bleeding)

Carress the rooftop and stare at the space

For the flesh that you gave just to get a taste

It goes... nothing comes close

Scream of the smile and choke boy choke

Passion come death, and death bring power

At the top of the hour we sing for the monster

And here she goes, with that look in her eyes

The souls of those that got took by surprise

Crooked little smile that clings to her lips

On a night like this I sing for the bitch


Just a lonely summer

Slowly dying

I was smiling hard

But I was lying

[Verse 2]

So what's the time? it's almost time for her to go to work

The sun is shining but I'm the shadow of my smirk

I keep my breathin under my breath

Tucked within the untrimmed bushes next to her front steps

And when she leaves to make treck towards the bus stop

My love erupts (POPS) a thousand tiny blood clots

Damn I wish that she was mine but time and time over the discretion

On my right shoulder whispers to my ear

Advising me to admire from way over here, play the rear

And struggle for the view to clear

It's been 2 years and quite a few beers

Too many loose tears and a few souveniers

And if she only knew, how long I've waited for her

How her smiles enough to make my winter warmer

If she knew the way she walks could take away my storm

She'd probably call the cops and get a restraining order

As much as I hate myself, I hate you more

But I still smile when you come through that door

And as much as I hate my life, I hate yours too

Just can't seem to teach myself to ignore you

This is for the ladies, not every lady

Just the ones that drive me crazy, the ones that scream SAVE ME

I wanna thank y'all for everything you gave me

Now lean in and taste me (kiss)

(Chorus 2x)

Right up to your face and kiss you!

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