Atmosphere - Gods Bathroom Floor Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Gods Bathroom Floor
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head, pressure, senses clutch
date divinity wouldn't fuck
touched, hazy, god change
rush floor life vains

this head, pressure, senses clutched
date divinity wouldn't fuck
touched, hazy, god change
(c)rush floor life...

from a head full of pressure
as the senses that i clutch
made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
i got touched by a hazy shade of god, helped me change
caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

from a head full of pressure
as the senses that i clutched
made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
i got touched by a hazy shade of god, helped me change
caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

it goes:
one for the cannabis
and two for your diunetics
three for your reasoning
and four for those that try and get it
five for your love
and six for the stress
and seven for the day that i climbed into this mess

from a head full of pressure, restless senses that i clutch
i made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
and i got touched by a hazy shade of god, help me change
and caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

i'm catchin ulcers from the childproof lighters
and all of these fine-toothed fighters
that keep the wires in my head tighter
i'm tired out by the distances achieved walkin in my sleep
floors got shifted since the high got a tad too deep
past that dead? you keep cool ill call him back
soon as i resume normal, and get out of this bathroom
and call management
seek some reimbursement
for the nerve endings that burn from the first case

from a head full of pressure, restless senses that i clutch
made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
and got touched by a hazy shade of god, help me change
and caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

head full of pressure, restless senses that i clutch
made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
and i got touched by a hazy shade of god, help me change
caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

so fuck needles, fuck smoke, fuck lines that make the sinuses choke
fuck chasers and trails, fuck raves and rails
fuck hangovers, fuck hallucinations
regurgitations, mandatory sentences

and you wait tracing blind
by insight and dulled common sense
give me inhibition, kill the supersticion and the confidence
built a tolerance now its more that i consume
and when it boards up my room the world's alls a groom in unison
unify the eulogy

autopsy pages read youth in asia (euthenasia) i.e. irony
where here i be within a pool of my drool, sedated
windows dilated comatose like overdose
tell take it miles keep it wild-style
i promise i'll smile
and check the floor, god's got nice tiles

and i'll smile, and check your floor god's got nice tiles

from a head full of pressure, restless senses that i clutch
i made a date with divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
and i got touched by a hazy shade of god, help me change
caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins (X2)


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