Atmosphere - Gotta Lotta Walls Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Gotta Lotta Walls
Visits: 711
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Dialed up his homie Murs on the telephone
Gotta talk to somebody who can tell him what the hell is wrong
Brain freezing up, he don't know what to do
But the people that know him know that it ain't nothing new
Catch five rings, then an answering machine
Hang up on the beep, stare up towards the ceiling
Stood up to remember that he slept fully-dressed
So he grabbed his keys and put a hat on his rat's nest
Stepped up to that big outside
Somebody once said "Today's a good day to die."
But he never really was a big fan of their work
So he starts up the walk by kicking sand in the dirt
A friend to the strangers, a stranger to friends
He'll take a coffee and a pack of cigarettes when you have a minute
Handle it. Paid up. The change, you can keep it
He's a sucker for the morning smile and summer cleavage
If you knew him better he'd ask for some time
Cuz he's looking for a reservoire to empty his mind
And there's only so much he can put in a song
Gotta talk to somebody who can tell him what the hell is wrong

[Hook 2X]
And this house has gotta lotta walls
But only very few mean anything to you
And this house has gotta lotta walls
But only very few mean anything to you

No shop value to titillate
Far from shallow, so get it straight
Blacktop, sidewalk,and the street
Cuz life is priceless and talk is cheap
And as he sits (as he sits) in his four-cornered room
Following a tune, born to consume
Carefully learning and analyzing the lyrics you use
Finally realizing that humility is a bruise
Scared love don't make none
If these walls could speak, they would peep about the fake ones
Watching this man, falling off of his plan-
Underachievin' just so he can under

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