Atmosphere - In My Continental Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: In My Continental
Visits: 723
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In my Continental
Splinter off the mental
When you want the best show
Never accept anything less
Elements of purpose
True love from the first kiss
Spread it on the surface
Sit back and watch the progress

[VERSE 1: Slug]
T-t-t-t-t-t-teacher, teacher, how can I learn patience?
Planted in the middle and outside of your nation
Take the care to build a familiar foundation
Speak to the youth that keep the truth sacred
Free the, free the good inside your heart
Your neighborhood, it needs you to travel with your art
From New York to Cali, some day they'll all know
Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Chicago
Now I've come a long way from the younger days
When I used to look up curse words in my dictionary
If life's a game, gotta choose a side to play
If I gotta pick a position I'ma pick missionary
I've had a little bit too much to think tonight
But it's cool, I be alright, just make sure that I keep travellin
Your reactions only reinforce the previous thoughts
You'd feel the distance even if the bridge was collapsin
Well, kudos and props and every hollow desire
That you could conjure in an instant that it takes to breathe
I got my Duplos and blocks and Lincoln Logs for when it's time to build
I wait patiently for them to catch up to speed
(And I'll be)


[VERSE 2: Slug]
T-t-t-t-t-t-t-teacher, teacher, show me what you know now
Load up your van with musicians and go south
Visit Atlanta, Memphis, Tulsa, Texas
Plug in the decks, check the mics, fight the wreckage
Keep the, keep the motive in your movement
Let em know where you come from and show them how you do it
Children are the focus, give em one to grow with

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