Atmosphere - Inside Outsider Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Inside Outsider
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inside out and upside down
who qualifies to try to judge me now
love is what grows off the synthetic of happieness
i wear a warning sticker that says health to the hazardous
since all of minneapolis fell into that river
it wouldnt disturb a word that i deliver
i found my confusion
i lost your religion
analyst is i am
corrupt the optimism
from the dock i fishin
feed the worm i hook
write another peice
read another book
once upon a time there was the end
do you mind if i steal this pen?
im not a big fan as i once was
i gotta learn to respect that lunch buzz
such and such and nothin much
what the fuck girl i'm thinkin that we should couple up
so here i stand from the outside in
tryin to recall how i swam to this island
i wonder if i was to scream till my voice quits
would they let me push the buttons
would they let me hold the joystick
well maybe if i acted a little crazy
they would play me
they would feed me to they babies
cant help but laugh at everything i cry about
cuz ive been staring at myself from the inside out
well whos that knockin on my head so early in the a.m
must be the landlord im late on my payment
or maybe its my ex cuz i owe her some affection
its probaly the deparment of corrections
cuz i've been doin it wrong for to damn long
chewing on a soggy blade of grass
put the money in the bag and make it fast
cuz cant none of yall fools save my ass
how can i hold
when i dont know what i hold
the outsider tryin to climb out of the cold
time and time again
i question the asnwer
cause the soldeir always falls in love with the dancer
i cant play passing
truth hurts
i wanna rock the boat
but i wanna rock you first
so if i was meant to say everything thats in my mouth
ima start right here from the inside out

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