Atmosphere - Lift Her Pull Her Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Lift Her Pull Her
Visits: 708
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You don't know me
You just left me
You don't know me
You just left me
You don't know me
You just left me
You don't know me
You just left me

And he was a man
Or so he thought
Paid attention to the lessons that he taught
Second hand me down blessing
She was short on patience
Carried person hated every day people
The plight of the pessimist
Habitual living daily schedule consisted of work
Television and sexual moments
But some times it gets so hope less
When non-sense raises an oct of thought blocks
With a firm grasp on the grudge they both clutched in the name of love
Fear of the results had push ever came to shove
Seduced for fun
Produce a a lot of fight
Two youths on the run
Learning some truth about life
And when he stares at the stars he reflects on the moon
The time the talks they share walking around calhoon
And when she watches the look on his face as he sleeps
She recalls every inch as to how it got this deep

Now how am I to know you like the way I laugh
I can't read the map, no ones ever seen the path?
The one you take a bath with is the same on the freeze your path
Oh you going out? what time you goin be back?

Cause they were two perfect kids
In a two perfect worlds
Today the part of man and women will be played by boy and girl
Lets all take seats
Please quiet during the performance
Lift her pull her from the orchids

Trying to read the script but keep getting trapped in the margins
Lift them pull them from the gardens

Your horoscope says we should share an apartment
Lift them pull them apart from their gardens

Now she was smart
She grew up with this complex
That the people that

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