Atmosphere - Lost Found Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Lost Found
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[Hook - Slug]

to my surprise, discovered that I really don't know much

most of much of what I know catches a (what? (3X)

(what are you doin?)


Runnin from the bar, not my favorite hobby

I'm relieved that I saw the speed trap before he saw me

I don't need another ticket, I've gotta collection in the glovebox

They make great souvenirs cause they weigh less than rocks

Man you better slow your roll, let the numbers get low

Like a 55 stroll to move past the patrol

Hope he don't already know about my top speed

Like the helicopter radar that caught me outside of Milwaukee

I'm still livin this life, tryin to escape the problems

Quick and quiet at night just like the insects and the goblins

It's the gas fumes,the fast food, yo its all of the above

It's meetin women for a weekend and fallin deep in love

As good as it gets, man its as bad as you make it

But ain't nuthin like bathin in a freezin river naked

And I really don't know much but I know enough to know

Know that I'm lost I've never been so found... (so in touch)

Take this job and give it to someone else

Corn on the cob is better when its hot with melted butter on top

Could warm the soul,but this ones cold

Cause I stole it off the side of the road

I'm not a real thief, I don't steal more than I eat

Everything I take I eat, I never do it for the greed

I'm just a gravel trail type of man

Pull the car behind the brush and get in touch with your farm land

So if and gotta healthy lookin garden in your backyard

I'll pull over to admire then I'll check for a dog

And if the hairy is clear I'll be back here tonight

Set dinner for one under the moonlight...


(discovered that, I really don't know much, most of much of what

I know catches a, , , to my surprise,(2X)

in the moonlights when to strike, under the stars gettin ours

theres a breeze every night, )

carrots,tomatoes,green beans,cabbages,rhubarb,cauliflower, corn,radishes


here it comes,here it is,n there it went sunrise

aright, now its time to get on withcha life

loaded up the Ford, with all the rations supplies

And hit the road to fly the friendly skies

It's been about a month since I left St. Paulie Girl behind

punctured the heart but it was for her own good

left her sittin in the kitchen with the breakfast dishes

And gave a name to this distance that she never would've understood

roll the window down, got the sounds distortin

And I got my last paycheck and half a carton of Newports man

And I'm never gonna quit til I face my challenge

And I use your mathematics just to average my gallons

And if you buy my tape it puts work on my odometer

10 bucks'd take me 300 kilometers

runnin from myself wont stop until I pop

so keep an eye open for me at your local record shop


And I found myself,when I lost myself (until fade)

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