Atmosphere - Modern Mans Hustle Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Modern Mans Hustle
Visits: 694
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The first time I met the Devil was at a Motel 6
she left Hell to spend a weekend on Earth just for kicks
sexy little bitch, shorter than expected
about five-foot five big an' thick in the breast and thighs
beautiful, dark eyes a strong stare
large lips, soft hands and long hair
I said Ill make you smile for the simple fact Im good at it
Ill make you smile just so I can sit and look at it,

Chorus: 2x
I will show you all you need to know
you must hold on to anyone that wants you
and I will love you through simple and the struggle
but girl you gotta understand the modern man must hustle

Who cares what Jane says
she always spits the same spit
Id rather kill the radio and listen to the rain hit
little sister needs seclusion
Somehow she'll discover it through the pop music
got used to the feeling of falling
but you'll never see her following
bouncing back and forth between the healing and the hollering
riding the outer ring of your own private saturn
thoughts scattered all across the grey matter

Little baby doll, she doesnt know what to say to yall
the patience is short and of course the pride is way too tall
break it all smash the past like it was made of glass
aint no other way to make it last
It hurts to watch Lucy lose a dream
Ive had the pleasure of seeing our hero kick and scream
and when she calms down Ill turn the sound down
and put my arms around the little lost and found
and Ill tell her that


Hush little lady dont say a word
all the rest of the village gonna know your disturbed
and if you let em know that your vulnerable
then there aint no stoppin (high) before they open you slow
Im a chapter in you text book
Read me like a che

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