Atmosphere - Prides Paranoia (Spoken Word) Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Prides Paranoia (Spoken Word)
Visits: 792
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This was the year he fell to pieces

And ironicly, this was the year when more people than he knew even

existed scrambled to put him back together again

And as they tried, they didn't notice that he was smiling.

Smiling his ass off... no pun intended

Oh, what have we become? Oh, what have you become?

not allowed to kick the feet up and sleep untill its done

Ground control, ground control, the major Tom

We found a hole in your theory and we named it Sean

And when the leaves fall, the land looks more human

it's got me questioning the essence of my farm boy blues

Hence, I never wore the fashions of the know what I'm doing

but there won't be no alarm when we sound up the movement

a river runs through it untill I'm made out of fluids,

my fathers name is art, and my name's pride

and while my destiny reads the recipe for confusion,

I'm lookin for whoever writes so empty inside

As the paneling comes unglued,

I'm averaging a camel every hour as a substitute for food

out standing in this field waiting for the storms,

trying to teach the alphabet to the children of the corn

and yo the music ain't loud enough,

I can still hear the voices in your head,

the choices that chosen to choose temoprarily impared me

im terribly proud, if you dont turn it up louder, I'm breaking out.

i face the sun when i talk and ill hold his hand as I walk

im across the street i got caught inside of a self taught it just don't stop

and ill trade you a parable for a probably

kick this one for saint paul

and this for minneapolis

and kick this one here for me and my superhero complex.

and when i can im gonna build a castle that touches the clouds,

not to get closer to god but to get further from y'all

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