Atmosphere - Saves The Day Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: Saves The Day
Visits: 700
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From the fifth floor, I schedule my meeting with the moon,
Stress, let it go, so it don't completely consume.
When the vegetables fight back, and the grass starts to sting,
I yell up to Heaven to get me the hell out of this dream.
I fell out of my stream of self-consciousness,
and I've got welts on my mind to signify all my accomplishments.
No matter whose math you use to count to ten,
progress will never rest in the hand that has no head.
Bought my brain a cane, asked it to be my pimp
You know, to make sure I don't stuck up in my fuck-ups.
A little over anxious I was to bust nuts,
and find the answers making love, out of a canvas full of touch-ups.
I dipped my brush into the what, I've wept for,
and wonder out loud as I can, how long I've slept for.
I should rob a pet store, let the dogs wild,
I should close all the schools just to make the kids smile.
Seize the limit, let the sky be the moment,
but the key to the ignition I'm a ride these doughnuts.
And when it breaks, lock the door, walk away,
won't be nothing else to talk about, nothing else to say.

See I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
See I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away...

Let's stand on the corner, throw rocks at people,
so there's no surprises, written off as evil.
I sleep next to women that I don't deserve,
they like to hurt my pride, while I work their nerves.
Once upon a time it was worth it when the urges get fed,
and the purpose finds a path to the surface.
Is respect considered a breakfast food,
I'm guilty of the type of attitude that wrecks your mood.
The truth can be pain, and I hate to do it,
either face the music, or get away from me stupid.
Super glue it down, now it better not move,
See I'm not the best, but I'm in the top two.
And I'm not that friendly when this cup is empty,
It's a side effect from trying to find the fucks that sent me.
See I didn't just tap it, I was made this way,
by the same egomaniac that paved this way.

See I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.
I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away,
the only reason that I stay so I can save the day.

See I gave up lying, but I still tip-toe,
I'm as stubborn as they come, and I'm known to hit low.
If I had a chisel,
I would carve out a hole for me to hide in every time the mighty wind blows.
Since no one knows, where the hell we gonna go,
I'm a stand right here, until the end of the show.
I'm a clap my hands, so don't pass the chance,
to unsnap my pants, get on my lap and dance.
No longer am I mad about the things I don't have,
all I'm living for is love and laughs.
The last star fighters weapons were rendered useless,
So we pulled the scissors. and cut the chord to end this music.

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