Atmosphere - Takin Ova Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Takin Ova
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Song: Takin' Ova
Artist: Tommy Tee/Warlocks

Verse 1

As we lead mc's into battle
I stand ground with G-Studios as my castle
Roaming through my rigid waste lands
Specialize in my verbal style through spray cans
Takin' ova buildin empires like Caeser
Tryin' to screw me and i scrooged you like ebeneezer
Nice joust on the mic price for the grand price and lightin' be the torch and the force of the midnight

Camelot returning, 98 three times murling casting spells leaving walls burning
Two shadow knights riding through the wood sights
Mic carriers in the moon light
Soon fight, battle, room, right the remedy
Voice milificants slingin like Yosemite
Benevolence versus melevolence
You represent irrelovence when heavin sent elegance
Telling tales with a dark age relevance
(?)The men still see and talked about in past tense(?)


Takin ova, we be the legaties to the rap legacy
serenities of the industry (3x)
Takin' ova, takin' ova...

Verse 2

Its the north sea defender, storm out sender
Scandinavian, Iberian eye lender
T.P, theological prophecies
I give you beliefs, T.R.Y. energies
Fuckin' ministries V.O.T.'s chase outta town
The sound man about to catch another beat down
Yo, "T" lay the beat down (Who am I?)
The best norwegian producer on the "M I"

I take it to the sea, the open type for any open mic i shine
Saint like, glorious "viviendo cada palabra"
I'm sailing in, with the Spanish armada
From the horseback to a 24 track recorder
My beats be walking on water, I'm crossing the border
?Shells to call to, and the crew c.o.d.
Lets wax these other crews like Cap-m.p.c.


Takin' ova we be the legaties through the rap legacy
Serenities of the industry (3x)
Takin ova, takin ova...

Verse 3

Kid comma drop tha drumma shiny on my Ivanho
Seven sword swingin' soldiers in a row we all crew
Arrowhead heroes from beyond the seven ghettos
Telling tough tales from the backside of the middle
We can never settle...battle for the nine noble kings
Flingin steal and weapon shields is what we bring
Tee takes the lead like ?Garth so we won't fail
Adventure is await, search for the holy grail

The mud stained ?trouble door
Masquerader, element to carry truth for my cause
Pearly white teeth connected to my jaws
I pause a bit, to let my palms get in position,
Play the role out of suspicion, my mission is sparkling clear
And I wont fail, b.o.d. in my back
T.P must prevail, royalty, suckas better pay a fee
A very important point is loyalty.
Now I reveal my disguise
You die, see blurry flashes of my eyes which are evil, not sober
Lettin' you know, t.p. is takin over (hell yeah)


Takin' ova we be the legaties through the rap legacy
Serenities of the industry (3x)
Takin ova, takin ova...

End verse

takin' ova oh you crossed over
then you got fucked in october
(faded out)

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