Atmosphere - The Keys To Life Vs. 15 Minutes Of Fame Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
Atmosphere Author
Song Title: The Keys To Life Vs. 15 Minutes Of Fame
Visits: 692
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[Pilot over PA]
"Folks I know you're all dying to know how long--
I cannot answer that now. We're gonna have to remain as technicians come over
and take a look at it and uh once that's done, then we'll give you an estimate
I'd say it's probably at least uh 15 minutes or so."

[Verse 1]
It's like all of Franklin Avenue now sleeps upon my chest--my chest
I've used cigarette butts and loose leaves to build my nest--build my nest
Did I mention I appreciate the way you treat your guests?--guess not
But I'm not really convinced when you say that you're impressed--hell no
The line between MC and comedian gets a little thinner--little thinner
Now it's nothing but ruffage for lunch and punchlines for dinner--feed me
I've tried to open the blinds to let in some sunshine
Wound the watch 'til it broke all in hopes of stopping the time

The key broke off in the ignition humping if I wandered off through my thoughts wishing
Hoping this could be for you but it is for me patiently I stay busy, I wait, I see [X2]

It's the sure shot [X6]

[Verse 2]
See it's simple--simple, it's not that I want to make it ripple--ripple
But I feel I'm only being civil--civil
When I sit back and giggle like the rest it's the ritalin-a-fest!
I'm stressed--stressed, but most of 'em would never guess--never guess
That I'm closing in upon the dredge
Why? Cause I think it'd be best for the who? To hide the mess from who?
It's all true--it's all true not good but I know it'll do--it'll do
Still trying to reach the kid in you
So I may continue to find why this childproof's so wild
I smile--smile, tired, I walk

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