Atmosphere - The River Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: The River
Visits: 697
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it was a purple purple sky in an orange orange room
and everyone was whistlen the same damn tune
except bryan, bryan starred out across the field
and watched the horizon blossum the copper feel
over the edge of the world the one they're all afriad to walk
ration out for why their so high on the small talk
but bryan knows where the crows all go
to find the ifs and the ands and the buts and all sos

if i can run through the woods and speed like the light
i'd find the answers to why and be back by tonight
if i could fly through the fog and look at this rock
i'd figure out how to keep hell off of my block
but as it stands i stay content
tryin to be the magic man and pay my rent
and wishin that bryan would turn me on
to the secrets he sought
while we keep burnin the dawn just to keep the day hot

if i could ask you one question id ask where you went
you could teach me a lesson everytime i got bent
but the alcohol dont make me forget about it all
doesnt matter the season the leaves can still fall
they slipt hidden messages within the cards that were delt
i understand myself and all the sorrow i felt
for as simple as i am how'd it get so complex
got me studyin the margins and disregardin the text

i open the curtins and listen to the traffic go
but i still get nervous each time a piece passes go
the resado is thick and the memory fails
i still laugh because the path feels alot like a trail

if i can run through the woods and speed like the light
i'd find the answers to why and be back by tonight
if i could fly through the fog and look at this rock
i'd figure out how to keep hell off of my block
but as it stands i stay content
tryin to be the magic man and pay my rent
and wishin that bryan would turn me on
to the secrets he sought
while we keep burnin the dawn just to keep the day hot

we used to be a couple of pimps walking the hallways with pride
drunk or sober life was nothin short a roller coaster ride
trips to the clubs now lets go to the rythm
all we wanted out of life was what was given

and when you passed i wanted to take back the time we wasted
id trade all the buzzes in for one more conversation
we could sit in the shade and discuss the meaning of sacred
cuz i cant see the garden no more just the avons?
but the wind still blows
and the plants still grow
and i wish your name was on the guest list at my shows
i gotta believe that you can see me run out of my freedom
cuz you got to meet the sun before you got to meet my son

and when i see lightning feels like my buzz hightning
everytime i feel the sun i can smell the love
adn when i smell the air i can hear a child trying
but everytime i hear a river i i think the mother crying

and when i see lightning feels like my buzz hightning
everytime i feel the sun i can smell the love
adn when i smell the air i can hear a child trying
but everytime i hear a river i i think the mother crying

everytime i think of you i know your laughter
and when i hear of you i know your laughter

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