Atmosphere - Vampires Lyrics

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Artist: Atmosphere
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Song Title: Vampires
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I do believe in monsters, I call them officers
I know enough to know to keep an eye on how I talk to ya's
Some of y'all at peace, but even one to many
still at peace and slumber for the reading of the beast,
there's no release, she keeps, and teaches no remorse
more resembling of a thief than a horse
plans, long range, attached to some thangs
and an arm that's strong, watch the song when it change
nothing's strange, cause you know before you saw it
it's all the same, there ain't no such thing as flawless
all I want is a little more security, a little more safety, a lot less uncertainty
override the circuitry, the sun as she dies, recognize the urgency, uncover your eyes
when i turn on the lights, she vanishes high, and so that i can feel her essence in the air
acknowledge the night stalker, and regard there is a hunter, hunting your mom she takes from the slumber
summer ain't as hot as you think, more than the child, that wears the target for your teeth to sink

this world is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this world is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this country's a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this city's a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge

she lurks in the alleys, with a wrong reality
allegiance, and honor, keep it all in the family
consumes the young, the blind, deaf, and the dumb
drains the vein, and puts them under the thumb
she's on the television, celebrate the status quo
energy to push mute on the remote control
break the beat, shatter the measures into pieces
all i've left is the breath, and the world i've put to pieces
it's difficult, to figure out who to fear, gettin older by the minute, younger by the year
will the hunger disappear, metabolism slow, world domination is the goal
now let's gather the kids, and take em out to the styx, teach em all how to live
come, take my hand and walk with me, before the vampires lock down the twin cities

this world is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this world is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this country's is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge
this city's is a vampire, she eats her kids, let's hide the bodies under the bridge

through the mud of the evening, she trudges
the name, the blood is tainted with traces of lovers
from up above, truth watches in bewilderment
comtemplating, how he isn't really feelin it
just another chapter of another movie picture
another rapertoire, lookin for a new elixir
well here she goes, even when she has to climb
out the window, out of sight, out of mind
look out for me below, because i've never been on top of nothin
other than a stove, inside a pot of water bubblin and boilin
between the puzzle and poison, two games in the same toybin
but when my time comes, you better beat the drums
and aim the guns at the ones that eat the young
if we let her, she'll do whatever takes to survive
you don't stop till you take her life

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