Atom And His Package - Brooks My Dog The Box Brian Sokel Me Lyrics

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Artist: Atom And His Package
Song Title: Brooks My Dog The Box Brian Sokel Me
Visits: 787
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foxy man and the glitter picker upper
foxy man and the glitter picker upper
foxy man and the glitter picker upper

this song serves a purpose
of a character introduction
theres me a boy
in dier need of liposuction
with my pet dog books
shes clumsy and crazy
theres brian, a best friend of mine
since we were babies
and the last character
hes kind of hard to describe
hes made of ceramics
and hes got 6 sides
hes known as a box
touch it feel it green hell
theres something creepy about him
but i like him very well
and this here is a tale
of 2 boys, 1 box, 1 dog
going straight to hell
an adventure, like never before
all cuz its sunny out
and were going on tour

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

we got in the car, books was nutso like an ape
and brian unleashed one of his many bad tapes
i was in shotgun
books and box in the back seat
brian touched my thigh
and books through up all over me

(cant stop the van)repeated

we got to the show
and read our mail
did you know mike parsell
used to be in frail
we set up our amps
and they weighed a ton
books grabbed the base
and the box got on the drum
the lights went down
we strummed the first chord
we thought the audience could handle it
but then they, they collectively went out of their gourd

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

so then we left
we got into the car smilin
i smiled more when books
threw up on brian
and we were on for the next show
and it's over
it's over

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

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