Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High(Soundtrack Version) Lyrics

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Artist: Atomic Kitten
Atomic Kitten Author
Song Title: The Tide Is High(Soundtrack Version)
Visits: 736
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I've a little hunch that there is something going on now

The clothes I brought, the friends I've got

My teacher had a meltdown

Then I look at me

And I start to see

And a voice inside tells me what I must do

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

It's there inside of you

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Get a clue

There's nothing you can do

And nothing's ever quite what it seems

Just look a little closer at me

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

(That's the way it goes now)

Did you ever see the world around you change before your eyes

The people you ignore before they took you by surprise

Then you look at me

And I start to see

That something happens when I'm next to you

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

It's there inside of you

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Get a clue

There's nothing you can do

And nothing's ever quite what it seems

Just look a little closer at me

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

(Oh yeah, that's right)

(That's the way it goes now)

(Oh yeah, that's right)

The first one came on a Tuesday afternoon when I first saw you

The next one came to my surprise when I found out what I had to do

Take a photograph of me

Hang it in a gallery

Sit around and watch TV

Turn around and then you look at me

Yeah, yeah

(Rock the mike!)

(Oh yeah, that's right)

I've got a little hunch that there is something going on now

The clothes I brought, the friends I got

My teacher had a meltdown

Then I look at me

And I start to see

And a voice inside tells me what I must do

Get a clue

It's there inside of you

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Get a clue

There's nothing you can do

And nothing's ever quite what it seems

Just look a little closer at me

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Get a clue

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue

(Oh yeah, that's right)

(That's the way it goes now)

(Oh yeah, that's right)

Wake up, who knew, it's me, it's you

Get a clue!

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    Stand back cause it's obvious
    And if you wanna see us dance and sing
    Step off get on back of us..."
  • Right Now
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    Is makin you see that you know what I need
    Your breakin the rules cos you want it
    There's so much - you can do - that will make me see that..."

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