Atomic Opera - Alone In The Dark Lyrics

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Artist: Atomic Opera
Song Title: Alone In The Dark
Visits: 744
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Eternal suffering.
Everlasting oblivion of tears falling into the dust.
I want to die.
But the three mothers don't grip my hand
they want the cycle to be completed.
I'm walking through this autumnal mist
where everything dies
and where everything's anguish and loneliness.
I mortify my heart with love's pain
and fall into the hollow deep abyss.
I'm alone in the dark
my being transfixed by a circle of shining souls
but their laments can nothing against frost
hate and the macabre veil winding my soul
in an obscure seal.
I would shed blood but something's hindering that to me
which dark force gives my spirit strength
thou condemned to wander in this mist thick as pain
I'm alone in Mater Tenebra.
I enjoy this event.I son of darkness drink my tears
from the calix of the god who never forsakes
who turns defeat into victory.
I raise my hands up towards the northern icy wind
and to the nothing I yell.
Th at vision is mild and pure wrapped into the torments wind
I stretch out my hand but everything disappears
so I close the circle of fire once more
and I find myself again alone in the dark.
I celebrate the ancient names of this pagan winter
looking for lymph and power
for his soul now I've lost into emptiness.
Lost in Mater Tenebra.
Satan's masses mutate the weak.
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