Atomizer - So Terrified, Yet So In Control Lyrics

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Artist: Atomizer
Song Title: So Terrified, Yet So In Control
Visits: 688
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So terrified, yet so in control, adrenaline be thy saviour
Have I only seconds to live, merely moments to go? Adrenaline thy benefactor
Feeling the blood as it pulses and flows, adrenaline is thy master
Of quickening senses, of taking the load, adrenaline take me home
A cold heart in a cold war, the troops of the regiment, rise up!
Going over the trench wall and into certain death, rise up!
In places that know nothing but war, the scent of terror wafts through the air
And this terror that awaits, it's more than a dream for this is nothing you'll wake from
Those new to the terrain, they'll ignore the signs a taste of reality changing everything
And some are crippled with fear, oh, because death's always near
But adrenaline will be thy saviour
Adrenaline equals survival, so nothing must stand in the way
Trudging through swamps, and the mud, and the mist, and the clay
Willing against all odds that the rush of blood will remain
Fucking it all on the brink of a total breakdown

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    "For blood! For blood! For blood!
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    "Yeah I know what you are
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    Yeah I know what you are
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