Atomizer - The War That Never Ended Lyrics

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Artist: Atomizer
Song Title: The War That Never Ended
Visits: 703
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When they tell you that it's all in your head
The unrelenting screams of both the living and the dead
And they tell you that the war is over, the dead are buried deep
The final battle's been and gone, war is the way of the world
No notion of illusion dwells in that, you choose the path of the righteous men
Did they really think that you'd just switch off?
Did they really think that you'd live through that, and still be the man that you were?
Did they even have a notion of just what you'd become?
Looks like they really planned your fate
It's the war that never ended, still raging on inside your head
And what drove you then, still drives you now, the war
Compelled by a swarm of black emotions that won't subside
The war manifests in all you see, sense and feel
Through fevered dreams, full body sweats, unfulfilled campaigns
It's the storm you know never abates
The war that never ended summons you awake in a glaze of sweat
The war that never ended, the war

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  • Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation
    "To gods of war
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  • Death-Mutation-Disease-Annihilation
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  • For Blackness Absolute
    "The earth it turns, and you're still no closer today
    Your time flitters away until nothing remains
    And as the encroaching darkness comes, what will your servitude bring?
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  • For Blood For Blood
    "For blood! For blood! For blood!
    The legions file in
    And the crowd, the crowd it roars
    As the lion, the lion stalks..."
  • He Couldnt Save Himself (How Do You Expect Him To Save You)
    "Yeah I know what you are
    Just an icon for fools to succumb to
    Yeah I know what you are
    A false deity, imposter..."
  • Hesitation Wounds
    "Hesitation wounds
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    Suspended from something strong
    Now leap to your death..."

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