Atreyu - A Letter To Someone Like You Lyrics

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Artist: Atreyu
Atreyu Author
Song Title: A Letter To Someone Like You
Visits: 741
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Why? Sometimes this beauty is choking me,
but at least it's your hands on my throat.
Your lashes brush against my cheek, coupled
with your breath on my neck. The world around
you falls away and I will still be there I
know my words are like daggers but they cut
me too...oh. . And I am sorry for all the fucked
up things I say I didn't mean it. And I never
realized that I can be what I hate. Lets be
happy with what we have' enjoy the beauty in
these days. Sometimes we'll laugh sometimes
we'll scream no one said caring was easy. I
know there was a time when emotions felt like
pulling teeth. Sometimes I felt so soulless
I couldn't eve look at me It's pathetic to
hate who you are and it feels like hell to
change. But Ill be damned if I push you
away. I remember when my dreams were dying
and I damned, I damned the sun to pieces. I
carved hateful thoughts into my chest and
then you took my hand
and nothing has ever felt the same

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