Atrocity - Hold Out (To the End) Lyrics

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Artist: Atrocity
Atrocity Author
Album: Hallucinations (1990)
Atrocity - Hallucinations Album
Song Title: Hold Out (To the End)
Genre: Metal
Visits: 832
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You are here again
At this wicked place
Men look at you
They want to pay the price"
Somebody speaks to you
He wants to set you free
He wants to be your real friend
"It's time for you to leave"

He is an addict, too
He needs the same help
Both have the same aim
To escape from this hell

After a few years
They want to come together
Make a withdrawal treatment
And encouraged each other:

Hold out to the end
Resist ...and live

After midnight you her screams
Addicted bodies want their rations
Painful days, sleepless nights
Always greedy of more pills, of more pills

Take care of your life

After one week without H
They're thinking it's all over
Having new hope and courage
Time to leave their dirty flat, flat dirty!

One new man is born
One new girl is born
Death can wait for them
Now they wanna live!
Full of happiness
Both are careless
Going out of the flat
To walk down the streets

She reads the newspaper of today
Another guy died by an overdose
But new victims are ready to die
Smiling faces of the big bosses
These rich, powerful, common men
Making business, dealing death
She is going shocked by reality
He is going out with "old friends"

Late in the night
The girl is coming home
After closing the door
She looks to the ground
The body is lying there
One paper in the hand:
"I couldn't still resist
But you must go on:

Hold out to the end
Resist ...and live!"

Hold out

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Other Atrocity song Lyrics
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  • When The Fire Burns Over The Seas
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  • Humans Lost Humanity
    "Humans lost humanity
    Feelings are dead
    The world is one machinery
    Humans lost humanity..."
  • Deep in Your Subconscious
    "Lying there in a small crib
    Naked and innocent
    Just loosing my virginity
    Only four years old..."
  • Life Is A Long And Silent River
    "Ten more summers pleased the land
    Ten more winters numbed the landscape
    Time is running quickly
    But in my brain a terrible dream never ends..."
  • Fatal Step
    "I meet a girl - she seems ok
    She wants to show me all her friends
    But what I can see - I knows before
    Their red eyes - the same as my Ma's!..."
  • Hallucinations
    "Here I got it in my hands
    The stuff which creates dreams
    So I smoke it, I consume it
    to get free, to feel well..."
  • Defeated Intellect
    "I left cocaine - going insane
    my first time - I want to try
    I lock the door - I'm really sure
    Now I'm alone - the needle in my skin..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hallucinations" album, click "Atrocity Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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