Atrocity - Humans Lost Humanity Lyrics

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Artist: Atrocity
Atrocity Author
Album: Blue Blood (1989)
Atrocity - Blue Blood Album
Song Title: Humans Lost Humanity
Genre: Rock
Visits: 876
Print Version

Humans lost humanity
Feelings are dead
The world is one machinery
Humans lost humanity
Success dominates
Without regard to casualties
You're one link in a big chain
Without success you're nothing
The individual doesn't count
Profit is more important than a man
People are dying from starvation
On a price policy destroys tons of food
Humans lost humanity
Feeling are dead
The world is one machinery
Humans lost humanity
Success dominates
Without regard to casualties
You're a product of society
Controlled by the stress of working
No love for little children
No care for old peoples
Daily round kills all feelings
Parents maltreat and rape their children
More psychopats and sexual crimes
Ecocide cause of economic growth
Some people take refuge in drugs
And love is for sale
More weapons for more senseless wars
Some people taugh while world suffers

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Other Atrocity song Lyrics
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  • Deep in Your Subconscious
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    Just loosing my virginity
    Only four years old..."
  • Life Is A Long And Silent River
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    Ten more winters numbed the landscape
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    But in my brain a terrible dream never ends..."
  • Fatal Step
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    But what I can see - I knows before
    Their red eyes - the same as my Ma's!..."
  • Hallucinations
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    The stuff which creates dreams
    So I smoke it, I consume it
    to get free, to feel well..."
  • Defeated Intellect
    "I left cocaine - going insane
    my first time - I want to try
    I lock the door - I'm really sure
    Now I'm alone - the needle in my skin..."
  • Abyss of Addiction
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    Searching for lust, thirst for sex
    The oldest business, in this world
    Shows itself, a whole night long..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Blue Blood" album, click "Atrocity Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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