Atrophy - Rest In Pieces Lyrics

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Artist: Atrophy
Atrophy Author
Album: Socialized Hate (1988)
Atrophy - Socialized Hate Album
Song Title: Rest In Pieces
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 1104
Print Version

Work your ass off every day
Nothing do you own
Sold your soul to the system
Another fucking clone
Never ask for nothing
Yet you gave and gave
Now you're trapped
Ambitions shattered
Another mindless slave

You never asked for anything
And that's exactly what you got
They never cared for you
They're glad to see you rot
Nothing's really yours
It's only mortgages and leases
When you die
Then you rest in pieces
Line their pockets with your labor
You go home in debt
Your children die from malnutrition
Your bosses never wept
They justify the life you lead
A life that's full of pain
You were born to serve your master
Your caste revealed by name

Repeat chorus

Solo: Rick

Sick of their oppression
You come to take what's your
Rip their hearts from their body's
Their blood pools on the floor
A smile plays across your lips
Their life breath slowly ceases
Leave their mansion a free man
As they rest in pieces

Repeat chorus

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Other Atrophy song Lyrics
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  • Beer Bong
    "Beer bong - suck it down
    Beer bong - don't do it wrong
    Beer bong - don't take too long
    or else you'll drown..."
  • Socialized Hate
    "Throughout our troubled history
    man's exploited fellow man.
    Displaying xenophobic fear that's hard to understand
    Centuries ago in Europe things were different than today..."
  • Best Defense
    "Our land, our home, America the free
    Our vote decides the future can't you see
    Their sim to serve, and protect what is theirs
    Too much at stake to let others have their share..."
  • Product Of The Past
    "The sun is down, the light go on
    A glass and concrete hell
    The beast aroused, begins to prowl
    Aware of every smell..."
  • Urban Decay
    "Man builds his world, forms it from rock, steel and clay
    His view of nature is that it stands in the way
    Visions of profit dance in every landlords head
    13 in two rooms, four in every bed..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Socialized Hate" album, click "Atrophy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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