Atrox - Burning Bridges Lyrics

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Artist: Atrox
Atrox Author
Song Title: Burning Bridges
Genre: Rock
Visits: 890
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If you can't cope with the answers don't bother to ask
If you can't cope with the sights don't bother to look

Once you've seen it you can't make it unseen
Once you've heard it you can't make it unheard

You just stay ignorant
The easier it is to fool you
All you'll know is
That you just don't know

- Relax my intention is absolutely not to tell you that...
Lalala I'm not listening
- Don't worry I can assure you my intention is not to tell you about...
Lalala I can't hear you

Don't bother your pretty little head
Knowing too much can't be good for you

If you can't cope with the knowledge don't bother to learn
If you can't cope with the stench don't dother to smell

Once you've heard it you can't make it unheard
Once you've seen it you can't make it unseen

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Other Atrox song Lyrics
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    And glide slowly into slippers
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  • Unsummoned
    "Now is the third season
    The season I don't long
    Cause it is here
    And you are gone..."
  • Lizard Dance
    "Peek through the hole
    And enjoy the lizard dance
    Come see the lizards' dance
    Out of their skin..."
  • Ignoramus
    "I am the Ignoramus But he believes he is concealed when blindfolded And he believes he can
    read minds Words written in ink on
    cerebral paper And he believes if he becomes learned he'll die, therefore he ignores all
    wisdom And he believes sweetness..."
  • Letters To Earth
    "Some time ago
    And for a period of time
    I lived on another planet
    And in another galaxy..."
  • Serenity
    "In a transparent myriad of men
    I stand, transfixed
    I am lost, searching
    "Am I the Crestfallen?" I ask..."
  • Homage
    "My whispering poems My treasures My arch images My treasures They honour me Dead,
    creaking trees They praise me Mute, mossy
    rocks They worship me Empty shells Why exalt a man murdered by his own muse To prevent
    him from turning in his grave?

  • What Crawls Underneath
    "As this path was never
    meant to be trodden by man
    These flowers have been
    nurtured for none's eyes..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Orgasm" album, click "Atrox Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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