Attacker - Soul Taker Lyrics

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Artist: Attacker
Attacker Author
Album: Soul Taker (2004)
Attacker - Soul Taker Album
Song Title: Soul Taker
Genre: Metal
Visits: 874
Print Version

A story is told, of a demon like man

Way back in the dark, a forsaken land

Taker of souls into the depths of hell

Taker of souls on earth he dwells

Taker of souls can you hear the cries

Taker of souls why do they have to die

A legend tells, of the vicious beast

Attacking the land, killing the weak

Hacking, slashing they fought the beast

Bodies lie scattered slaughtered sheep

Take on this creature, may be too strong

Fate of the village, destiny's born

Ooooh destroy the beast

Ooooh destroy the beast

Fought like true soldiers, for family and god

Losing no option, carry on

Women and children lives are at stake

With blood and sweat they died that day

Ooooh destroy the beast

Ooooh destroy the beast

Destroy the beast...

He'll take your soul, to hell, to hold

You'll never, be free again his servant until life's end

Can't fight this unholy force

In hell, life takes it's course

In hell, life takes it's course

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Other Attacker song Lyrics
  • The Hermit
    "On a cold wintery mountain
    He draws the final curtaln
    The hermit cries
    As his inner soul dies..."
  • The Wrath Of Nevermore
    "Behind the door, no one knows
    Crimson liquid overflows
    Witness the wrath of nevermore
    Life is nearing the raging shore..."
  • Disciple
    "Down, down in the valleys below
    Children stare, but they don't know
    Magic sparks fill the air
    A maiden of beauty oh so fair..."
  • Downfall
    "Long ago in a fabled land
    In dwelling caverns strangely dim
    They seek the ruler's helping hand
    Unknowing the evil side of him..."
  • Slayers Blade
    "I turn around, it's so unreal,
    Dreadful sight, bloodstained steel
    Reality begins to fade
    All i see is slayer's blade..."
  • Battle At Helms Deep
    "Vandalizing the countryside
    Goblins march in fearless pride
    Through destruction they forge virtue
    Hell rats are out to get you..."
  • Dance Of The Crazies
    "Hey you trapped in fear
    Jester shed your tear
    White room, no view
    Snowblind nothing new..."
  • (Call On) The Attacker
    "Higher, higher the dragon soars
    People fear his majestic roars
    Louder, louder the storm brews
    Killing the ship's almighty crew..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Soul Taker" album, click "Attacker Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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