Attic Alishas - THE AIR WE BREATHE Lyrics

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Artist: Attic Alishas
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The galaxy is open
So paint me on your right hand
Now let's fly off Superman style
You know it would be so good
I'd never look back
With every bit of breath I take
My thoughts say I want you
And there is nothing I can do
To control these natural instincts
If you're ready we can take it to the heights

And the Air We Breathe will take us
The Air We Breathe
And no, the loneliness won't break us
Coz I know all we need
Is the Air We Breathe
The Air We Breathe

Apollo's turned and twisted
(oh my god)
As you take me in your arms tonight
(take me in your arms tonight)
Oh, it feels so quiet
In turbulent times
(tur-bu-lent times)

Well I, I think I'll build a stairway
And like a Roman in your heart
I will climb and we can start
To journey on past all these satin sheets
And lift it past all of our control

And the Air We Breathe will take us
The Air We Breathe
You know the loneliness won't break us
Coz I know all we need
Is the Air We Breathe
The Air We Breathe

Look up to the sky
Ask yourself why
Coz this enchanted evening
wouldn't get you any higher
Will the colours fade
On all the crimson hearts we made
Broken them before
So it's time to take a flyer

(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)

And the Air We Breathe will take us
The Air We Breathe
And no, the loneliness won't break us, no
Coz I know all we need
Is the Air We Breathe

(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)

The Air We Breathe

(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)

And the Air We Breathe will take us

(breathe it in, breathe it out)
(breathe it in, breathe it out)

The air we breathe
And no, the loneliness won't break us
Coz I know all we need
Is the air we breathe
(breathe it in, breathe it out)

Is the air we breathe

And the Air We Breathe will take us

THE AIR WE BREATHE Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Attic Alishas song Lyrics
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    You might die in a big earthquake
    and end up with a stone in your mouth
    I felt like kicking out when my boyfriend made me cry..."

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