Audrey Martells - Hate The Playaz Lyrics

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Artist: Audrey Martells
Song Title: Hate The Playaz
Visits: 806
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I don't care bout how much that you got
cuz your six, your whips, your chicks
don't ever stop
and boy you're just another
undercover poser, loser, acting like a balla
so so what you got dough?
(but i ain't hearing that)
got a fat joe
(but i ain't feeling it)
rock the fly clothes
that ain't good enough
coz you ain't

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

yeaah yeaaaah, what what what
oooooh whoa whoa

still don't care bout your clout
and not down with no benz, no ends, no gems
you give out
cuz what it takes to get with me
ain't something you can get in with your VIP


so what you got dough,
(but i ain't hearing that)
got a fat joe,
(but i ain't feeling it)
rock the fly clothes
that ain't good enough coz you ain't

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

hate the playaz
(oh yeah)
hate the game
(ooooh yeaah ehhh)
hate the playaz
hate the game

so what you got dough
got a fat joe
rock the fly clothes
you aint whoaaaaa ooooh ooooh

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

hate the playaz and their game
hate the way they do their thang
hate the way that they thinking
that they got it made
hate the playaz and their game

hate the playaz
hate the game
(yeah yeah)
hate the playaz
hate the game

hate the playaz
hate the game

homeboy with the thinking that they got it made
hate the game

what what what

what what what

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