Augie March - Little Wonder Lyrics

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Artist: Augie March
Augie March Author
Album: Strange Bird (2002)
Augie March - Strange Bird Album
Song Title: Little Wonder
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1991
Print Version

Well it's my very little wonder and it's one that I will keep,
But you can take it with you if it helps you when you're trying to sleep...
and the men who are a cut above today are often not so very deep.
Young ladies of means will say "I am, I am, I am, I am, I am",
Sitting on the edges of their seats on the light rail tram,
amongst the could-a-beens, the also-rans -

It's very little wonder if you cry,
It's very little wonder you don't cry,
The birds were framed, the babies were framed, and so too the black sky.

You can't hear the ready laughter in my song,
When I was laughing all day yesterday and all night long,
till we shook off the fears, and had us both in tears,
O brother don't clean out your ears and you might be amazed
to find the secrets of the city in its alley ways,
In the bins behind the swill cafes,
amid the clean-picked chicken bones and cartilage a spirit groans,
a small heart beats and a red beak groans
"O pity, where's my little body gone?"

You'll know why, it's very little wonder you don't cry,
Don't be ashamed of a guilty little rain, and don't be ashamed,
it's just the drink, it's just the drink, it's just the drink.

One marks a place, one makes a time,
One stops a'living, one goes about a'dying...

Somebody blew their brains out in this room,
I can feel it like it happened just this afternoon,
On the wall behind some furniture there's a stain in the shape of Africa,
O fear walks tall, when it's halfway up the hill with its friend alcohol.
I could hear the heavy footsteps in his hollow halls,
Little wonder that he soon devised to rid them all in one great gushing fall,
The billion tiny devil's feet that nightly walked that bloody beat

- Hi ho, ho hum, Get yourself a gun,
Open up your heart and let the bleeders run,
Hi ho, ho hum, Move the thing along,
Open up your heart and let the bleeders run
Hi ho, ho hum, Get yourself a gun,
Open up your heart and let the bleeders run,
Hi ho, ho hum, Think about your mum,
Open up your heart and let the evening come darkly in.

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    I'd fall from the wall, I'd leap from the road,
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  • There Is No Such Place
    "There is no such place, o yes I have seen it too
    Just a little different from how you do,
    A river winding blue among the dunes and a marble bed
    A sun that doesn't set but settles...."
  • Owens Lament
    "Level your fretting. I won't be forgetting the flush of your face
    When I lifted you level to me and a wattle tree framed your body.
    In whispers welling with the dope of a new Spring
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  • Brundisium
    "They married, a dandy and a back alley tough,
    on the foreshore while kids in the needling rough,
    stayed low, in, and laid till they'd had enough
    of the somersaulting hot roll of revolting September...."
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    A bee, a moth.
    Four wings spread for the soft last touch
    Of glory sun,..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Strange Bird" album, click "Augie March Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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