Aura - Moonsymmetry XXI: Empires Ablaze Lyrics

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Artist: Aura
Song Title: Moonsymmetry XXI: Empires Ablaze
Visits: 742
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And off we flew dissolved in the sky
And we flew invisible, armed with giant wings
and scales like serpents. Elementals were we...

Seven hours, until the crescent dawn. Oh how
sweet this nocturnal flight, through winds of
silken and wisdom gold. With crystal swords we
split the air...
And on we flew...

[Act I: MCMXCV Andromeda flight]

"Come fly with godess of fire and earth
...of storms and sea...Through light the dark"

Behold ! Empires burn for us, our heavens washed
in dew, the turn of the cosmic tides ?
Come and spread thy wings...
...And thus we will fly our hearts entwined

Join with the pulse of universe's blood. Infinity...
reached in the glory of aeons. the
tranquillity of creation everblazing star, and ever
withering heart

...Das Licht....die Seele...woher sind wir gesturtzt ?

Eyes afire, with the flame of light, in hungry blaze
of majesty... And yet so saddened, with lifelorn tears
Oh, crimson stream our hearts downtrod...
Forlorn !

Within light, within soul, how splendid be our fall
What is it that I see in thine eyes ? at the shrieking iron
and flames. Hurled through still heavens ? What quaver
what heart aghast ?
And our names spirals through time

and in the everweaving patterns of universe...
Will we ever be remembered ??

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