Auryn - Your World Lyrics

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Artist: Auryn
Song Title: Your World
Visits: 801
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I stood in the room when the light in her eyes dimmed.

Forever it faded and burned out, invaded.

I sat by the bed with his hand in my hand.

It fell and it went limp, breathlessly leaving our world.

You think that I'm dumb, that I'm too young to know such things.

But what have I done? I've had to handle everything.

You think that I'm one whose absent in the pageantry.

But I could heal your world.

Your world is dirty.

Your world is burning.

Your world is hurting for me.

A million dark faces, burned hands in embraces,

all falling to places where you could never come back.

My heart was freezing, my mind disbelieving, they went

down so easy, pleading, fleeing from our world.

You think that I'm dumb, that I'm too young to know such things.

But look what I've done. I have to handle everything.

You think that I'm one whose absent in the pageantry.

But I could heal your world.

Your world is dirty.

Your world is burning.

Your world is hurting for me.

You think that I'm not brave,

that I'm too young to know such things.

You think that I'd cave, that I can't handle anything.

If only I had saved a piece of what I used to love...

Then I could heal your world.

Your world is dirty.

Your world is burning.

Your world is yearning.

Your world is hurting for me

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Other Auryn song Lyrics
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    or fragment / my feelings / How I despise /
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    Man, I'm always hurt in your company...."
  • Chances
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    Now maybe we have more than we figured,
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  • Her World
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    so that we could have
    somewhere to talk when she said
    "I know I'm lost but I'm too tired to care."..."
  • More From This Life
    "I never saw you try to pick yourself up
    I tried to tell you, but you were convinced you were stuck.
    I never interfered with your own personal plans.
    God, I wanted to help you,..."
  • Replaceable
    "You know what? We were there.
    We weren't just close, no we were there.
    We got our foot in the door three
    days before you left,..."
  • Spirit Dance
    "Brave is my courage
    High is my sword
    Hurry into the open
    Rush out the door..."
  • Stuttering
    "I'm stuttering. You left and I couldn't breathe.
    I was petrified that you could see
    when we were not right.
    Yeah, but you could read right between the lines...."

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