Aus-Rotten - Too Little, Too Late Lyrics

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Artist: Aus-Rotten
Song Title: Too Little, Too Late
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 875
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Many fled to Zaire for the fear of being killed in the vicious,
Bloody civil war that took half a million lives
Over two milion refugees pile into neighboring countries towns
Hoping to escape their deaths but this is what they found
Bodies stacked in massive piles and mass graves overflowing
As the cholera camps are waiting for the aid to finally come
The Rwandan refugees are dying by the thousands every day
While clean water needed to preserve life is supposedly on it's way
Too little, too late
We are all responsible for the third world we create
Now we try to help these people but we're too fucking late
Too little, too late
We control the third world's fate
Our high standard of living contributes to their deaths
And the truth behind the bloodshed is what our government protects
But the fault is also ours because we're killing with our greed
For our material possessions we confuse our wants with need
The companies and the media promote these capitalist views,
Praising the American way of life, never asking at whose expense
So if you think we're helping then you're really fucking blind
Because we're after special interests and the rest we leave behind
Too little, too late
We are all responsible for the third world we create
Now we try to help these people but we're too fucking late
Too little, too late
We control the third world's fate
Haitian and Cuban refugees try to find a better life only to be denied
Entry to the United States because our government doesn't deem it necessary
To help our fellow man, so if they can't make us money
They don't want them in our land
Panama and Nicaragua were some to receive our

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Other Aus-Rotten song Lyrics
  • The System Works For Them
    "You know the system kills,
    So you try to take a stance
    You speak up for the people who will never get their own chance BOYCOTT..."
  • American Ethic
    "I work all day in a factory
    Making parts for bombs I'll never see
    I have to support a family
    American ethic will set me free..."
  • No Justice, No Peace
    "Freedom for all political prisoners in the United States
    Be aware of cointelpro and the falsehoods it creates
    We must stop the racist atrocities committed by police
    Demand that every last freedom fighter be released..."
  • Poison Corporations
    "Greedy fucking bastards killing off the land
    Watch our fucking planet burn soil turns to sand
    Acid rain is falling from the skies
    It's only getting worse contrary to the politicians lies..."
  • Tedium
    "I fear that I'm losing what little was mine
    I gave you control and you're robbing me blind
    I showed you my soul and you took all I had
    Blind, mained, disfigured you left me for dead..."
  • B.A.T.F.
    "ATF, ATF, we don't need the ATF
    There's an organization with dangerous views so the fighting soon erupts
    We could've asked what they believed if they hadn't been blown up
    But were their views dangerous to the people or the state..."
  • The Crucifix And The Flag
    "The crucifix and the flag are both the fucking same
    They both represent dominance and control
    Arrogant symbols displayed high about our heads
    A constant reminder that you are being controlled..."
  • They Ignore Peaceful Protest
    "They ignore protest
    But can they ignore a city on fire
    It's time to do more than talk
    When they ignore peaceful protest..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Not One Single Fucking Hit Discography" album, click "Aus-Rotten Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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