Aussie Calling - Carol of the bells Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> A>> Aussie Calling Singer Lyrics>> Carol of the bells Song Lyrics
Artist: Aussie Calling
Song Title: Carol of the bells
Visits: 759
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Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells
all seem to say, throw cares away
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer
To young and old, meek and the bold
From every village town, can you hear the sound
Can you see the light, through the dark

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,

all of them send, all without end
their joyful tone, to every home

Ding dong dong ding, ding dong dong ding
Ding dong dong ding ding dong dong ding

Oh how they proud, rasing the sound
o'er hill and dale, telling their tale

hear how they ring while people sing,
songs of good cheer, Christmas is here
From every village town, can you hear the sound
can you see the light through the dark

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
hear how they ring while people sing,
songs of good cheer, Christmas is here

Ding dong dong ding, ding dong dong ding
Ding dong dong ding ding dong dong ding
Christmas is here...

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Other Aussie Calling song Lyrics
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    Now I'm coming around, throwing it back to you
    Were you thinking of me, when you kissed him..."
  • Could It Be Any Harder
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    You were always invincible in my eyes
    the only thing against us now is time..."
  • Final Answer
    "I want love
    To carry me through
    All the moment, I'd kindly undo
    Locked away..."
  • For You
    "I am a vision
    I am justice
    Never thought that I could love
    Living in shadows..."
  • Just That Good
    "A little paint, to cover what's deep inside
    A little truth you know we all want to hide
    Well I'm trying, I'm trying now to get to you
    But you're telling me like you always do, you say..."
  • Keep Your Hands To Yourself
    "I got a little change in my pocket goin' jing-a-ling-a-ling
    Wants to call you on the telephone baby, a-give you a ring
    But each time we talk, I get the same old thing
    Always no hugg-ee no kiss-ee until I get a weddin' ring..."
  • London Calling
    "London calling to the faraway towns
    Now that war is declared and battle come down
    London calling to the underworld
    Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls..."
  • Lost
    "Well I'm alone and feeling lost
    If I could only have it all
    Then I'd be alright
    Cause I can't see who I really am..."
  • ...Show All

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