Austin Cunningham - With His Arms Wide Open Lyrics

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Artist: Austin Cunningham
Song Title: With His Arms Wide Open
Visits: 766
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There came a kind and gentle man from a town called Galilee,
Spent his whole life reachin out to folks like you and me,
He said His Father sent Him bearing gifts from up above,
To those believing in Him,
He offered faith, hope and love

With His arms wide open,
He walked from town to town,
With His arms wide open,
That each lost sheep might be found
From the youngest to the old,
To the weak and wayward souls,
With His arms wide open
He came gathering His fold

Now when he talked about His kingdom, well he threw the kings a curve
Cause with all His Fathers power He said He came to serve,
The weary and the destitute were the ones that He called friends,
No wonder, he had prostitutes and even lepers follow Him

With His arms wide open,
He welcomed one and all,
With His arms wide open,
He tore down all those walls,
From sinners filled with shame,
To the blind and the lame,
With His arms wide open,
He loved em all the same

When His days on earth were through,
Hed given all that He could give,
So its no surprise that He died the same way that He lived

With his arms wide open,
He hung there from a cross,
With His arms wide open,
That not one soul would be lost,
He turned the other cheek when they nailed him to a tree,
With His arms wide open,
He rescued you and me,
With His arms wide open,
He set this whole world free,
With His arms wide open,
He bought our eternity

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